My favorite was I wonder what that feels like in diapers. Save As and choose JPG under File [CDATA[> //-->. Please note: All the stories, methods, and resources mentioned below are available in our best-selling book, Memorize in Minutes: The Times Table. Scales of Justice, Justitia, Lady Justice and Law books. December 7, 2009 at 10:26 AM. Teachers, Pupils, Parents. Kids are asked to look at the pictures that go with each of the picture stories and to put them in the correct order sequence by writing the numbers 1, 2 and 3 next to the correct pictures. [CDATA[// > 61% of Instagram users used the Support Small Business Sticker in Stories during its first month. Tell students that they are going to write their own number stories. Writing Worksheets - Story Pictures Students can write stories to go along with these pictures. to see and share. There are games to play to learn this number and you can find out how to write it too. Visit our math story problems. [CDATA[> (It's important to draw the story on paper before going